
Halo Grabber

Halo Grabber

So there’s this guy whom I shared a table with, in a poli-sci class when we were in college. He’s gone on to become an extremely successful political consultant-author-speaker-globally recognized public figure. We got along…



Have you ever stumbled upon something you started working on… and you don’t even remember starting it? Call it getting off to a running start. Call it getting off to a running start. And maybe…

Winging It

Winging It

Before you say “Okay, Boomer” to me, bear in mind that by most measures I’m Gen X. Okay, maybe kind of a Boomer. But… what is it with kids these days? Okay, this is not…

No Half Measures

No Half Measures

I love this quote, from one of my favorite characters (Mike) on of my favorite all-time shows (Breaking Bad… but truth be told, I’m on Team Better Call Saul. Change my mind!). “No half measures.”…



We are in the middle of another week of classes and as always, my classes will feature real-world clients. We’re going to put together marketing plans for them. My classes are filled with amazing people….