
Face Front! Friday!

Face Front! Friday!

Face Front! Friday! Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of the week! Post an image (you or a passable proxy) that shows how you’re feeling on this fine Friday. Me? Just this: Hooray…

Find Your Own Bathtub

Find Your Own Bathtub

“That left turn might be right” We just watched a documentary called Bathtubs Over Broadway, and it was so much fun. It’s a 90-minute love letter to industrial musicals. You know, musical numbers performed exclusively…

Taking Command

Taking Command

I’ve shared this thought before but the timing seems right…not just because of last Thursday’s Bear’s game but because the message bears repeating. (No pun intended, but I didn’t edit it out, either, did I?)…

Face Front! Friday!

Face Front! Friday!

Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of the week! Post an image (you or a passable proxy) that shows how you’re feeling on this fine Friday. Me? Grateful and a little enlightened. Grateful…