Author: David



To prepare for a big meeting, you might think you need to walk in with all the right answers. Depending on your role, it might be even more important to walk in with all the…

Rubber Teeth

Rubber Teeth

Rubber Teeth Hey, the new issue of my Northwestern University alumni magazine just arrived! The alums keep getting younger while I keep getting older. And the writing seems to keep getting better. And smaller. This…

Cold Calling

Cold Calling

Yesterday, I spoke about speaking up at meetings to make them more productive… and to move your career forward. In a related note, here is a shout out to my students. The semester is off…

Smarter than me

Smarter than me

There are so many people smarter than me. Maybe I should be careful how loud I say that… I am a marketing professor, university administrator, coach, and mentor, after all. Would you want any of…