I Love Team Projects (part 1)
The start of the new school year means new class projects, and in my class that almost always involving a client from the real world. You won’t convince me that a simulation or a case…
The start of the new school year means new class projects, and in my class that almost always involving a client from the real world. You won’t convince me that a simulation or a case…
That’s me, the guy carrying a lunchbox from class to class. It’s not my lunch, though. It’s my stuff. My teaching stuff. Index cards. Crayons. Dry-erase markers and I hope an eraser. My own personal…
Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of theweek! Wow, is it winter outside. More than a foot of snow coming up today, gale winds, andthen temps below zero next week. Stay safe and…
Yesterday, I wrote about how important it is to understand your audience, and how they may not know what you know… or at least as well as you know it. Then it is your responsibility…
A few (!) years back, during my very first semester as a full-time marketing professor, my friend, an attorney, invited me to join him at a presentation related to his career. My friend’s work involves…
(Feel free to inert your own (it) here) I was determined start (it) today. But I won’t. I’m disappointed in myself, but I also have to step back and realize that this was not the…
Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of the week! I’m celebrating my voorpret. Which kind of sounds like doorstep Voorpret is a Dutch word that means the pleasure of anticipation… pre-fun! The thrill…
Charisma. Style. Charm. Rizz. What one person might see as charisma, another might see as self-promotion. Overwhelming. What someone might see as shy, quiet, another might see as thoughtful. Profound. It’s in the eye of…
The start of the new year is a time for setting goals… lists of accomplishments and the things that we hope to make happen over the next 12 months. Lists of dreams and determination for…
You want to have a voice in creating your own to-do list. You can and should set your own goals and play a proactive role in setting goals with others. You want to be in…