Today’s post is a repost! My friends Julie and Jimmy have a wonderful podcast called AugMentors, and our conversation just went live today. We had a fun and free-wheeling conversation about #mentoring. We explored the…
Today’s post is a repost! My friends Julie and Jimmy have a wonderful podcast called AugMentors, and our conversation just went live today. We had a fun and free-wheeling conversation about #mentoring. We explored the…
I love this quote, from one of my favorite characters (Mike) on of my favorite all-time shows (Breaking Bad… but truth be told, I’m on Team Better Call Saul. Change my mind!). “No half measures.”…
I have an amazing team For my teaching, my research, my advising, my consulting… I’m surrounded by people who are great at their jobs. Some in my department, some across campus, some in my house,…
It’s easy to give advice. I think I find it easy to take advice too. But for me to heed the words that I say to others? Not so easy. So this one is for…
Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of the week! Post an image (you or a passable proxy) that shows how you’re feeling on this fine Friday. Me? I’m enjoying summer! The sun is…
We’re conditioned to see business through the lens of competition. We picture ourselves sprinting past our rivals, elbows flying, vying for that next customer or next opportunity. What if your prospective customer isn’t choosing between…
One of my favorite career stories ties back to my second job. I was brought in to bring a brick & mortar mall perspective to the cutting edge and dazzlingly new idea of an online…
Ah, the lightbulb. And I don’t mean the incandescent lightbulb, which you won’t find around too much anymore. Too inefficient. Too hot. Yet despite being obsolete, this glowing source of sudden sun remains the symbol…
It’s easy to give advice. I think I find it easy to take advice too. But for me to heed the words that I say to others? Not so easy. So this one is for…
Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of the week! Post an image (you or a passable proxy) that shows how you’re feeling on this fine Friday. Me? Just planning to enjoy the hot,…