Live Your Mission, Make Your Vision

What is your mission? What is your vision?

They’re not the same.

Let’s start with the mission and I’ll quote an expert. Known by some as the “father of marketing,” Professor Philip Kotler defines a mission as the reason for being.

An effective mission statement clearly defines why the firm exists as well as the customer that a business serves.

The next term is vision. A definition of vision is a description of how you see the future. What will the world… what can the world… become because of your work, or when your work is done? What will result from you fulfilling your mission?

Your mission is your reason for being. Your vision is how you see the future as a result of your effort… of your mission

They’re similar but too many times I see a vision as simply a rewording of the mission.

What’s your mission, in work and in life?

And what’s your vision? What do you want your world to become because of you?

See you tomorrow!

#MissionVsVision #PurposeDriven #FutureFocused #MarketingWisdom #Kotler