How Do You Do Your To-Do?

Does your to-do list fuel your productivity… or does it overwhelm you?

Welcome to spring break, or as most of the world calls it, the first week in March.

(But isn’t that enough to put a smile on your face?)

How did you spend the weekend? I spent mine going through my very very long to-do list, planning each day of spring break for maximum productivity.

Oof. That’s a pretty long list.

Yeah, no vacation this year.

Not long ago, I read a Wired magazine article on productivity tools that included the line “Every to-do list is a midlife crisis of unfulfilled promise.”

Maybe true, but that seems a little sad!

I like to think of every crisis as some kind of a midlife crisis because that means I will live well into my 100s.

And the more challenges we face, the longer we need to stay alive to conquer them.

Our work is not done yet.

Also on my list is a reminder to ask you how you manage your own to-do list.

What’s your secret?

#ProductivityHacks #ToDoList #SpringBreakGoals #GettingThingsDone #WorkInProgress #Wired