Thank you YEMBA!

What if your story, your own origin story, is the key to overcoming self-doubt?

My huge thanks to my friend Ed Redd, Kadima Palles, and YEMBA for the opportunity to share my You Own Your Origin Story (YOYOS) workshop with their amazing high school students last Friday!

YOYOS helps participants recognize the strengths, experiences, and unique qualities that shape who they are. Through reflection and storytelling, we learn to reframe self-doubt, fight imposter syndrome, and step into our potential with confidence.

It was incredible to see these students begin to embrace their stories and recognize the power they already have!

Programs like YEMBA create invaluable spaces for young leaders to grow, and I’m grateful to be part of their journey. Looking forward to my return visit next month, with more opportunities to empower and be empowered!

#YOYOS #MentoringMatters #FightingImposterSyndrome #EmpoweringYouth #OwnYourStory #Gratitude #YEMBA