Face Front! Friday!

Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of the week! Post a video or an image of you or a passable proxy that shows how you’re feeling on this fine Friday.


Well, I’d like to finish my series of belated happy birthdays, celebrating the really random date of February 25th, just a few short days ago. First my guitar idol George Harrison. Then my baseball idol Ron Santo. Next, my second-favorite comedian named Scott Thompson, aka Carrot Top. All born on 2/25.

And then there’s THIS guy.

It’s not that I don’t admire Don Majkowski. I really don’t know much about him.

I do know this:

He was born on February 25th, 1964.

He played for the Green Bay Packers.

I can’t stand the Green Bay Packers.

It seems like they are always good. Or at least better than my beloved Chicago Bears.

But this wasn’t always the case.

Let’s go back to November 5, 1989.

On that Sunday over 35 years ago, the Bears were leading the Packers late in the game, and The Majik Man, Don Majkowski threw a touchdown pass that gave Green Bay what proved to be the winning score.

But Majik’s pass should not have happened. He stepped past the line of scrimmage, and the football game rules say you can’t throw a pass once you do that.

Packers beat the Bears, 14 to 13.

Why can’t I let this go?

I can. I have. I swear.

And here’s my point: don’t let YOUR important outcomes be decided by someone else. By something out of your control.

If you don’t want to lose 14 to 13, then score 15 points. Or hold the other team to 12.

And if you want something, go get it. Don’t expect for someone to give it to you, and certainly don’t wait so long that someone else grabs what you want before you do.

Thanks a lot, Don. Great lesson.

What do you think?

The weekend’s coming. Enjoy it. See you Monday.

#ChicagoBears #GreenBayPackers #FaceFrontFriday #WeekendVibes #TakeControl #TGIF