BRIGHT Goal Setting Step 3: ITEMS

You can and should set your own goals and play a proactive role in setting goals with others. You want to have a voice in creating your own to-do list.
The SMART model of goal setting is pretty well-known.
But is it really that SMART? That old model is missing important ingredients and, importantly, its ingredients are listed in the wrong order.
Our BRIGHT new model adds missing elements and puts them in the right order.
We start with B for BIG: the big goal, the big picture that you are looking at. The big thing you want to achieve.
Then R for RELEVANT: why does this matter to you? Why is it important?
Next, as Rene would recommend, let’s look at the “many parts” of your BIG goal. I is for ITEMS. What are the different things you have to do, the path you have to take, to reach this big goal?
Your items will look like a set of smaller goals, and, importantly, they emerge from your bigger, relevant goal. The items will be more focused, and easier to write out in concrete terms. The things you have to do to reach your big goal. The to-do list that you create and control
B. R. I.
We’re halfway there!
In the meantime, do you want to join me in proving that the BRIGHT model will work?
What’s your BRIGHT goal?
#BRIGHTGoals #MeaningfulGoals #Goalsetting #SMART#PurposeDriven