BRIGHT Goal Setting Step 1: BIG

You can and should set your own goals and play a proactive role in setting goals with others. You want to have a voice in creating your own to-do list.
You know the SMART model of goal setting?
Well, yesterday I came right out and said it: I’ve got a better idea.
The SMART model components are missing important ingredients and besides, they’re in the wrong order.
Our BRIGHT new model includes a couple of things that really need to be added.
The BRIGHT model for goalsetting.
It starts with B for BIG (as opposed to the SMART model, which starts with S for specific).
Right away, you can see we’re going to take a different direction.
Of course, specific goals are important. We’ll get to that soon enough. Watch for it.
I’m suggesting we start with B, for BIG goals.
We might even borrow ANOTHER acronym, #B-HAG, which stands for big, hairy, audacious goals. This phrase was coined by legendary business author #JimCollins.
Your B-HAG can be almost like a vision, a view of career-defining goal. If you’ve got a career-defining B-HAG, write it down.
It’s okay if these goals seem big, maybe out of reach right now. That’s why goal setting is so important. To make big goals more reachable.
And even if your goal is smaller, like get a promotion, build a relationship, close a sale, finish a project, find a mentor, these all work too.
Put your goal into words so you know what it will look like as you pursue and when you reach that goal.
So our first goal setting letter is B for BIG. Make your goals big and set your big goals first.
What’s next for creating BRIGHT goals? I’ll tell you tomorrow. Hint: It starts with R.
In the meantime, do you want to join me in proving that the BRIGHT model will work?
What’s your BRIGHT big goal?
See you tomorrow!
#GoalSetting #DreamBig #CareerGoals #Motivation #BRIGHTModel #Leadership #PersonalGrowth #BHAG