Own Your Power
We often walk into our workplaces feeling like impostors, waiting for someone else to solve our problems or validate our worth… hoping not to have our shortcomings revealed. But here’s a truth I’ve learned over decades of teaching, advising, and coaching: You already have more power than you think.
Think about it: your organization chose YOU. They reviewed countless resumes, conducted multiple interviews, and decided that your expertise, your potential, and your unique perspective were worth investing in. They’re literally paying you to make important decisions and drive value. Yet so many of us shrink from this responsibility, avoiding discovery or waiting for permission to act.
Here’s a question I want you to sit with: If you could meet your future self, the accomplished professional you’ll become, what advice would they give you right now? I bet they wouldn’t tell you to play small or wait for others to fix your challenges.
The most transformative realization in any career is this: If something affects your work, your growth, or your professional journey, YOU are the one who needs to address it. Not your manager, not HR, not your colleagues. You. And the key is to be proactive, not reactive. Don’t wait for problems to become crises before you take action.
We consistently underestimate our power to shape our circumstances. Every time you speak up in a meeting, propose a solution, or take initiative on a project, you’re not just doing your job – you’re actively shaping your professional narrative and building your leadership muscle.
Remember: You weren’t hired to be a passenger in your own career. You were hired to drive impact. Put your hands on the wheel and start steering.
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