I’m a Good Guy

Have you ever seen the good cop/bad cop approach in negotiation? It happens in teaching, too.

I’ve been the good guy. The bad guy? That was Phil—one of my earliest mentors.

Phil was amazing. Like a wise uncle, he helped me become a better teacher. He pushed me out of my comfort zone, but in the classroom, Phil could be ruthless. He was the teacher you hated when he was in your face… but loved later, when you realized he was just trying to make you better.

Me? I consoled the crying students. Gave them extra time to come back strong. That was my role.

Years later, I found myself in Phil’s shoes, with students unprepared for their final presentations. I thought, What would Phil do?

I prepared to yell. I was ready to be the tough teacher they’d hate now but appreciate later.

But when the moment came… it was still me. The good guy. Because reality has changed, and I couldn’t be someone I’m not.

And guess what? It worked. The presentations were strong.

Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” He also said, “One has to be courageous enough to say what one really thinks.”

I hope Phil would approve.

What do you think?

#Mentorship #BeYourself #TeachingMoments #Leadership #PersonalGrowth #CareerDevelopment #StudentSuccess #Authenticity