From me to you (and to me, too): From Future You to Current You

What advice would your future self give to your current self?

It’s a tough one, right? It makes us reflect on who we’ll become and how that person compares to who we are now.

It also makes us think about what we’re doing today that our future self might regret… or appreciate.

When I asked myself this question, here’s what Future Dave had to say (among other things): DONE is more important than PERFECT.

Interestingly, I think Current Dave would’ve given that same advice to Younger Dave as well.

But here’s something new. Future-me would tell now-me this: Look for overlaps, not forks. Venns, not tines.

Decisions don’t always have to be binary – it’s not just Choice A or Choice B. There’s often a

Choice C, where you can blend the best of both. It’s about creating something new rather than feeling forced to pick sides.

Now-me is still working on this idea… but future-me might have figured it out.

What about you?

What does future-you know that you should start doing right now, instead of waiting? Let’s dive into it!

See you tomorrow!

#FutureSelf #Reflection #PersonalGrowth #DecisionMaking #LongTermThinking #LifeAdvice #Mentorship #MindsetShift #Leadership #ContinuousImprovement