Malignant Mentors: Harry the Hoarder

In the world of mentors and mentoring, not every one of them has your best interests at heart. For example, consider Harry the Hoarder—a boss and would-be mentor who always puts his needs above those of his proteges, employees, and even his department or company.

Harry’s mentoring style isn’t about growth or guidance—it’s about self-preservation. He hoards opportunities, blocks others from advancing unless it somehow served his own interests. Rarely does he allow his mentees the chance to grow or shine. I remember another Harry the Hoarder who embodied this same toxic behavior. He was always eager to collaborate—as long as you were doing the heavy lifting or sharing your valuable data. Help him save his time and energy… otherwise, he had no time for you.

If you’ve encountered a Harry the Hoarder in your career, it’s a clear reminder that not every mentor is a true guide. Spotting the signs early can help you avoid the pitfalls and seek out mentors who genuinely want to see you succeed.

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