From Me to You (and to Me, too): Manage the Mentor

It’s easy to give advice. I think I find it easy to take advice too.
But for me to heed the words that I say to others? Not so easy.
So this one is for both of us.
Last week I let you know about my long line of inspiring mentors. These men and women all helped my find and keep control of my career over the years, as coaches, teachers, confidants, advisors, and cheerleaders, formal and informal, all stretching and redefining the meaning of the word mentor in their own way.
And then… the others. There have been a number of people over the decades that got in my way, threw up roadblocks, and otherwise slowed my progress. It might have been intentional but more likely not. They were simply the stars of their own stories, just like you are the star of yours and I’m the star of mine. To them, maybe I was no more than just a throwaway part.
This week I am going to write about some people like this, people who might be designated or see themselves as mentors but who you should do your best to avoid or overcome in order to keep your hands on the wheel of your career.
Come back tomorrow for more.
You’ll be glad you did.
(And so will I!)
See you tomorrow!
(ALSO! My friend Rob and I are wrapping up our first season (30 issues!) of our podcast for you to enjoy. Find “Marketing vs Sales” on your favorite podcast platform. Pull up a seat and join us, and let us know what you think!)