Face Front! Friday! Managing the Mismatched Mentor

This week I told you about three more archetypes of mentors to avoid: the Mismatched Mentors. The mismatched mentors have a common thread. In each of these cases, the mentors are not trying to avoid you (like the missing mentors) or do any harm to you. You must manage these mismatched relationships with a blend of awareness and strategic engagement.

With a mentor like Wes the Well-Intentioned, you must evaluate the advice you receive, considering whether it aligns with your current context and personal style.

Working with an Alex the All-Knowing mentor can be incredibly beneficial, but it’s crucial to develop self-reliance and set boundaries to avoid over-dependence. Take ownership of your learning and tackle challenges independently, so you can grow into a more confident and capable professional.

On the other hand, dealing with mentors like Tracy the Transactor requires a more nuanced approach. With Tracy, you have to clarify expectations and ensure your relationship is built on mutual respect rather than transactions. Does Tracy not think they’re benefiting from this relationship too?

Seeking input from diverse sources can help you make more informed decisions while ensuring you maintain control over your career. Prioritize genuine connections with mentors who truly care about your development. This will help you achieve long-term success, allowing you to benefit from their guidance without feeling undervalued or compromised.

What do you think?

 Next week, let’s celebrate the start of a new semester! After that, we’ll look at the third set of bad mentoring models. See you soon!