I Told You So Sucks (part 2)

Yesterday, we looked at the drawbacks of saying “I told you so.”
It might feel good for a moment. You might feel like you won a small victory over someone, but in the bigger picture, saying “I told you so” means you were waiting for something to fail. Maybe something important.
And why wasn’t your better idea used in the first place?
Instead of saying “I told you so” after the fact, try harder to convince others of the merits of your better idea.
Work harder to persuade, to make others get behind you and what you have to offer.
Much of this is taken from the king of persuasion, Robert Cialdini.
– Support your argument; make it clear that you know what you’re talking about thanks to your talents, training, education, and experience (the law of authority)
– Bring up evidence of how what others have done adds support to your idea (the law of social proof
– Make it clear that your idea will support your shared goals and even strengthen your relationship (the law of liking)
– In discussing whether or not your idea will be adopted, be willing to give up something, so your coworker or boss feels obliged to return the favor (the law of reciprocity)
Cialdini has many more ideas like this. Check out his classic book, #Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
The point is, if you are going to be the one who is right, then wouldn’t you rather be right before the outcome, not after?
What do you think?
See you tomorrow!
#robertcialdini #persuasion #priorities #toldyouso #Influence