I Am… I Cried

Yesterday I shared some appreciative thoughts on the legendary Neil Diamond, especially his often-mocked song “I Am… I Said.”

Specifically, Diamond sings that no one heard cries of loneliness, doubts, and existential angst… not even the chair.

It really is a lovely, sad, and deeply personal song.

But that’s not what I’m writing about today.

It’s this: As someone who loves to write and share my writing (898 weekday posts in a row and counting!) I still struggle to write the right words in the right places.

This happens a lot when I’m quoting somebody. Do I write “he said”? But then what? Do I keep saying “said”? How about “she spoke”? “He declared”? “She intoned”? “I cried”?

You know what I decided? I’ll just let the dialogue carry the story, convey the action. Nobody worries about what kind of nail is holding up a beautiful picture. Yeah, that’s what I said.

What do you say to that?

See you tomorrow!