Face Front! Friday!
Let’s show everyone how we’re celebrating the end of the week!
Post an image (you or a passable proxy) that shows how you’re feeling on this fine Friday.
I’m feeling enlightened. My Marketing vs Sales (MvS) podcasting partner, Rob Hamilton, and I were talking about the mentors in our lives, and the mentoring we provide for each other. I quoted Isaac Newton’s classic statement “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
Rob, a student of history, noted that the source of that idea actually was from hundreds of years earlier, attributed to the 12th century French philosopher Bernard of Chartres, who said that people stand on giants’ shoulders, allowing them to see more and further away. I love that take on the idea, that proteges have an opportunity to see even further ahead than the mentors those who came before them… but could not do it without that guidance.
What do you think?
See you Monday