Who Can Help?

I have an amazing team

For my teaching, my research, my advising, my consulting… I’m surrounded by people who are great at their jobs. Some in my department, some across campus, some in my house, and some in other parts of the world.

Some are across the suite from me, literally just a shout away. Others are at universities around the country and across the ocean.

I can reach out to all of them, and they can reach out to me.

Nobody works for me directly. I’m nobody’s boss or supervisor (other than my wonderful grad assistant, paid by the university).

Nothing happens without help.

I’ve never been good at delegating, and I’ve never really had to.

Call it collaborating.

Sharing credit and rewards.

I couldn’t do it without you.

When you feel stuck, or helpless, or alone… there is someone who can help you.

Maybe it’s me… or at least, I can point you in the right direction.

How about you? Any words of wisdom to share that keep you going?

See you tomorrow!