From me to you (and to me, too): Spinning Paper Plates

It’s easy to give advice. I think I find it easy to take advice too.
But for me to heed the words that I say to others? Not so easy.
So this one is for both of us.
Sometimes it feels like we’re struggling to keep all of our plates spinning in the air at one time.
But what if a plate or two stopped? What if one fell off and hit the ground.
Would it break?
Or would it sit there, quietly, and wait until you had a moment to pick it back up?
I’d say “try it and see” but that’s a little scary.
How about “it’s gonna happen… don’t panic.”
Pick that plate off the floor.
Maybe someone else could be spinning that particular plate.
Or maybe you could put it on the shelf for a while.
You can do it. You’ll be glad you did.
(And so will I!)
See you tomorrow!
(My friend Rob and I just published the latest issue of our podcast for you to enjoy. Find “Marketing vs Sales” on your favorite podcast platform. Pull up a seat and join us, and let us know what you think!)