From me to you (and to me, too): What’s Really Stopping You?

It’s easy to give advice. I think I find it easy to take advice too.
But for me to heed the words that I say to others? Not so easy.
So this one is for both of us.
Over the weekend I submitted an article to a conference I had never been to before.
In a new research area I had never really researched before.
Trying to do something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.
Just 300 words.
For years, I imagined a lot of different reasons why I shouldn’t.
And maybe the conference organizers will tell me “You’re not ready.”
But I don’t think they will.
I think they’ll tell me “Glad you’re here. What took you so long?”
Tell that to yourself.
You can do it. You’ll be glad you did.
(And so will I!)
See you tomorrow!