Happy Birthday to Hammerin’ Hank Aaron

Birthdays are special, and today is the birthday of a special man: the late, great Hammerin’ Hank Aaron (1934-2021).
My words can’t do him justice. Hank Aaron was transcendent, a great human and one of the best baseball players ever.
So why is The Hammer so special to me?
Hank Aaron was a baseball player, a hall-of-famer, and the all-time home run leader for 31 years until Barry Bonds surpassed him.
Yet Aaron had the most homers in any given season during only 4 of his 23 seasons. Persistence, in so many ways.
My little league tee-ball team was called the Braves. I remember my mom buying me an embroidered Atlanta Braves patch too.
When I was little, kids at school would ask me if Hank Aaron and I are related. Over the years, as I grew older, my answers progressed from:
- I don’t think so
- No
- No, we spell our names differently
- Yes
I would love to see the Atlanta Braves change their name to the Hammers, for all the right reasons, including a tribute to this great man.
Happy birthday Hammerin’ Hank.
What do you think?
See you tomorrow!