What’s for Lunch, Dave?

That’s me, the guy carrying a lunchbox from class to class.
It’s not my lunch, though.
It’s my stuff. My teaching stuff.
Index cards. Crayons. Dry-erase markers and I hope an eraser. My own personal clicker. A dongle. Extra pens. A green Mold-A-Rama gorilla waving hello, so I can refer to the “gorilla in the room” which, of course there always is.
Because I brought it. In my lunchbox.
Did I mention that I’m a university professor?
Every semester at least a few people will ask me what’s for lunch and I will reply “oh, this?” and tell them about my lunchbox.
I guess there are worse things to be known for around campus than being the guy who carries a lunchbox.
What do you think of that?
What are you known for?
See you tomorrow!