Monitor: The Situation (or Now Is a Good Time to Finish Up Old Tasks) [#5 of 10]

The next time you visit my office, you’ll see my personality hung up all over my shelves and walls: books, retro ads, Chicago sports paraphernalia, comic book covers, and of course motivational posters, magnets, and plaques.
I’m so motivated it’s a wonder I get anything done.
Since I’m working from home more often these days, my walls aren’t covered with motivating material, but my computer is.
And so our monitor tour moves to this: Now is a good time to finish up old tasks.
Kind of related to yesterday’s suggestion to take things one at a time.
Old tasks, left undone, will take up space in your brain.
If you’ve got lingering laundry loitering on your list, can you…
- Make a plan or set a date to finish that task?
- Decide that where you are now is good enough?
- Hand the work over to someone else?
- Just delete it?
Really. If you haven’t finished it by now, is anyone still paying attention?
Clear some space on your to-do list and in your head.
Finish and move on.
How about you? Any words of wisdom to share that keep you going?
More race around the face of my computer on Monday.