Monitor: The Situation (or I Heart Marketing) [#7 of 10]

When you walk into my office, you’ll see my personality hung up all over my shelves and walls: books, retro ads, Chicago sports paraphernalia, comic book covers, and of course motivational posters, magnets, and plaques.
I’m so motivated it’s a wonder I get anything done.
Since I’m working from home more often these days, my walls aren’t covered with motivating material, but my computer is.
And so our icon collection moves to this: I (Heart) Marketing.
It’s a little sticker.
And it’s not like I need to remind myself that I love marketing. I talk about it all the time.
More importantly, it’s a little badge, an award I share with my students.
Silly, right? A sticker, just an inch in diameter.
And my students, acting all cool when I hand them one after a good answer or strong presentation.
No big deal.
And then I see the stickers on the students’ laptops and water bottles.
Or a couple of guys in the back of the classroom, counting to see who has more.
There are different ways to say “thank you,” to show appreciation.
The stickers, that’s one of my ways.
How about you? Any words of wisdom to share that keep you going?
See you tomorrow.