Monitor: The Situation (or “F U N”) [#2 of 10]

The next time you visit my office, you’ll see all you need to know about me pretty quickly, plastered all over my shelves and walls: books, retro ads, Chicago sports paraphernalia, comic book covers, and of course motivational posters, magnets, and plaques.
I’m so motivated it’s a wonder I get anything done.
Since I’m working from home more often these days, my walls aren’t covered with motivating material, but my computer is.
And so our tour of the outer border of my computer screen moves to a simple word: FUN.
As I mentioned yesterday as we kicked off our clockwise carousel, I love my work.
Some days more than others.
And yes, sometimes I need a visual reminder that work can be fun… or at least, the good times need to be remembered, always outweighing the bad.
I hope you can say the same thing.
How about you? Any words of wisdom to share that keep you going?
More tour tomorrow.