You Are the Answer

How can you make it clear that YOU are the answer to their question?
The “advertising proposition” is something you might use in your own meetings and conversations. It can be understood as a question asked and answered.
Here’s an example:
Consumer Question: How can I find a hairbrush that will gently detangle my hair?
Marketer Answer: The Conair brush has flexible bristles to easily detangle your wet or dry hair.
It says so right on the label. It couldn’t be more clear.
The thing is, questions are not always explicitly stated.
How can this apply to you outside the realm of marketing communications?
What do people ask you to do, whether we’re talking about your boss, clients, coworkers?
How do they know you can do it? Because you’ve done it before? Because it’s an order and you have to? Or are they taking a chance?
How can you make it clear that YOU are the answer to their question?
Importantly, are there problems that you WANT to solve, things that you WANT to do, but you aren’t getting the opportunity?
Find the people who have the questions that you want to answer, that you are good at answering. Let them know that you have the answers they seek, even if they haven’t asked you yet.
Now they know who to ask. You.
What do you think of that?